22 April 2008

An Attempt to Get Back on Track

The Idea of Progress will be posting regularly once again. As a first effort towards this goal, may I present to you the biggest bunny ever.

You should read about this, it's pretty rad.


The Ambiguous Blob said...

that is one giant pink bunny.

Justin said...

It's cool you can even see it on Google Satellite maps.

The Idea Of Progress said...

AB: If I give you that giant pink bunny, will you finally love me?

Justin: Holy shit, you're right!

Bel said...

Why??? I know you said I should read about it, but I haven't yet, so I ask you again, why????

Bel said...

OK...so I read about it, and I just think it's friggin freaky!

Some Guy said...

I love it when people do stuff like this!

katrocket said...

This is awesome! Once again, proving that Italy is the cradle of art and culture.