23 April 2008

Things That Are Wrong

Okay, I promised no more political posts, but I couldn't resist.

I don't even know what to say, other than when I read the description of this, I figured it featured actors impersonating Clinton, Obama and McCain.


May I present Wrestling style trash-talking from our candidate. Pardon me while I walk away, hanging my head in shame.


Justin said...


Moderator said...

My wife saw this and said how sad it was the politicians were pandering to a crowd to dumb to vote in the first place.

My wife's words, not mine.

Renaissance Woman said...

WTF...it is such a sad day for all of us.

katrocket said...

You guys are screwed.


Leonesse said...

I have no speakers here. I may be too afraid to come back and listen. Please tell me it's all a joke and it will be okay. Lie if you have to.

The Ambiguous Blob said...

damnit! I can't watch videos. Let's get a transcript!

Bel said...

McCainiacs??? Hahahahahaha....and you thought George Dubbya was bad!