22 October 2007

Chuck Norris Endorses Mike Huckabee For President

Norris endorsed Mike Huckabee for President today. No word on Jean-Claude Van Damme's choice (although I'm guessing it's Ron Paul).


paperback reader said...

"Jean-Claude Van Damme Solves Roundtable Discussion with Roundhouse Kick, Bad Acting."

Moderator said...

Segal is voting for...Segal.

katarose said...

I wonder how Huckabee feels about that. I've heard that when pregnant women look at Chuck Norris, it causes them to spontaneously abort. Won't someone think of the workforce?

Ms. Laaw-yuhr said...

I had no idea Chuck Norris was the new Iowa Straw poll. Good god, are there any other C movie actors with this sort of pull?!

Leonesse said...

Dear god, who thought Van Damme should pose on that bedspread with a flower? Was he posing for OUT magazine or Ladies Home Journal?